At any one time, I hold a small number of advisory roles that are carefully selected as those where I can truly add value. This enables me to partner with clients, add something that isn’t already there, form a new team to solve a problem, or use my experience to bring together a stronger business using the bits it already has.
growth strategy
Growth to you may mean an extra client a year, or hundreds of additional digital sales a week. Whatever growth means to you, you need to have the right strategy, the right team, the right structure, and the right systems to handle it when it comes. Growth is not easy, so be sure you’re achieving effective growth.
Where is your growth coming from?
Are you targeting the right customers/clients?
Is your marketing delivering the outcome you need?
Are you really positioned for growth?
Do you have the right internal systems to handle growth?
Are you using the right marketing channels effectively?
Do you have the right agency partners to drive the outcomes you need?
Are you using technology effectively in your growth strategy?
the ‘additional ceo’
Many of the CEO’s I talk to tell me that they have a huge list of priorities however only have the capacity to focus on one or two. This provides an amazing opportunity…. Imagine you had another you? Someone with a bunch of experience to draw on to focus on one of those other priorities that would make a profound impact on you business… here’s where I can help.
I’ve worked with CEO’s on a range of “projects”, including (but definitely not limited to):
Hiring a new marketing director & restructure the marketing team
Implementing new sales technology make the sales organisation more effective
Run a brand positioning project
Review and recommend changes to the organisation structure
Develop a program to enhance the culture of the business
Review our agency partners and be sure we have the right partners for growth
Review and make recommendations to our pricing strategy
Review and make recommendations to our GTM strategy
and more!
Marketing strategy, positioning, creative, production, digital builds, and everything in between. I often play the role of marketing director for a client, and utilise my network to deliver effective outcomes without the big ticket fees leading agencies charge.
founder support
Being a founder or an entrepreneur isn’t always what it’s made out to be, and it sure isn’t easy. Beyond the glossy exterior there’s often lack of structure, lots of late nights, lost sleep wondering how to pay staff salaries, and doors slammed in your face - to mention a few.
You’re not alone.
When building businesses and investing ahead, I can’t tell you how many of these nights I’ve had, or months where I'd draw down my mortgage to ensure my staff got paid. I understand the unrelenting pressure and the often clouded judgement that these scenarios entail - however I also know how a little help goes a looooong way.
I can help. Just as i’ve benefited from a range of advisers in my ventures.
board roles
Corporate governance is often the first thing thought of when considering the role of a board. Today more than ever, boards must be comprised of a diverse range of digitally and commercially savvy people, that bring recent and proven hands on experience, and must be able to convert that experience into objective and value adding advice to help oversee and drive positive outcomes for the business.
To the boards I reside, I bring a blend of digital, marketing, commercial, operational and real disruptive experience.
I currently have the capacity for one additional board commitment. If you’re interested, please contact me.